
I know. It’s been much too long. I didn’t realize that having a blog would also mean that I have the responsibility of writing said blog. 

Here we are. I will try to be better. Thank you for your understanding. 

I was thinking that a game of catch-up would be nice to cue you guys into what’s going on at Kiddish. 

I’m still tweaking my remote- services, as I’m getting a better handle as my client base grows. I’m now introducing Voxer– which is a walkie-talkie type app that you can leave long voice recordings on. I like this because it means I can hear what’s going on over there. Whether that means how loud your toddler is screaming in the background, or how many octaves either of our voices has risen throughout the day. That’s how we really know what’s working. 

I made an instagram!  Please follow, as I directly associate how cool I am by how much of you care about what I have to say. Plus, I’ve been working very hard on the graphics and I need them to be appreciated. 

I also included a newsletter function to my site so you have the chance to get my content directly to your inbox! Amidst the toddler screams in your life, I know that the only other thing you need is yet another email. 

I’ve been consistently giving Potty Training Seminars via Zoom and that has been very exciting for me! Shout out to FUN Mom’s club for recording it and posting me on Youtube. 

I look forward to chatting with the handful of you other Mom groups this summer. You know who you are.


I have one in-person availability for August left. Snap it up. 

I was also thinking that letting you guys know what I’m currently reading, or who I’m learning from lately would be fun. 

Right now, I’m reading The Whole Brain Child, by Siegel & Bryson. 

Really great book with wonderful tools for integrating the logical and emotional sides of your tot. 

Until next time. 



Your potty training supply list


To prompt or not to prompt